Mentoring program
Our local children are in need of adult volunteers who are willing to make a small commitment in the life of a child. We ask that the volunteer make an initial commitment to serve for one year and to spend one to two hours a week with the child or at least four hours a month. Volunteers can be husband and wife, mother and daughter, father and son, or an individual with a desire to make a difference.
At-risk children with a mentor are 55% more likely to enroll in college (2016 Mentor: The National Mentoring Partnership).
At-risk children who have a mentor are 46% less likely to use illegal drugs (2016 Big Brothers Big Sisters of America).
At-risk children who have a mentor are 27% less likely to start drinking (The Mentoring Effect 2014).
At-risk children who have a mentor are 67% more likely to participate in sports and/or extracurricular activities which translates into the child having higher self-esteem and self-confidence both of which are necessary traits for youth to be successful in life (The Mentoring Effect, 2014). “Young adults who had mentors, particularly those at-risk, are more likely to report engaging in productive and beneficial activities than youth without a mentor”.
Nearly 18 million children in America need or want mentoring, but only three million are in formal, high-quality mentoring relationships.
To become a mentor you must first fill out an application. Also, for the safety of our children you will be asked to pass a background check and provide references. Both adult volunteers and children will go through an interview process by our Program Director to insure compatibility. Matches will be made according to common interests. The first meeting will be arranged and attended by our Program Director.
Activities that you share should appeal to both the adult and the child. Common activities include, but are not limited to seeing a movie, biking, baking, bowling, fishing, sewing, outings to the park, church, dining out and more. There are also several group activities scheduled throughout the year.